For those interested in what the American Nations paradigm might have to say in regards to the results of the 2011 off-year election, please have a look at
my blog posting on the topic over at Washington Monthly's Ten Miles Square.
In short: results in Maine, Ohio, and Kentucky indicate that the Tea Party is in trouble not just in the sprawling "nation" I call Yankeedom and its allies -- the topic of
feature in the current print issue of the magazine -- but in the Midlands and Greater Appalachia as well. A Deep Southern political agenda -- and that's what the Tea Party and, foolishly, the governors of Maine, Ohio, and Wisconsin have partially embraced -- is alienating the mainstream in these other regional cultures, none of which embrace the notion that the society should be organized around the interests of an oligarchy.
For more on this, I welcome you -- nay, beg you -- to read
the book.
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