Thus far, the "Tea Party" movement has been a Big Tent affair, with Ayn Rand-loving Libertarians, 19th century Liberals, conspiracy nuts, and the soldiers of the Christian Right joining forces to punish alleged agents of socialism lurking in the halls of Congress, Federal Reserve headquarters, the Oval Office, and the offices of moderate Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe. But sooner or later, "leave me alone" Libertarians and evangelical advocates of instituting "Biblical law" were going to realize they don't have that much in common.
Sooner, it turns out.
As you'll read in my new piece at Newsweek, the cracks between the two Tea Party factions are already apparent, as each jockeys for influence over the new Republican Congress. And the current leading voice of the libertarian faction -- Andrew Ian Dodge -- is from Maine, of all places. Sources think its a matter of months before the battle is joined, and that the libertarians are grossly outgunned.
Wishful thinking Colin. The truth is that this alliance is as strong as they come. Christian conservatives are calling themselves Liberatarian by greater numbers everyday. When the truth begins to come out regarding FEMA civilian labor camps, new gun restrictions like the M1 Garand banned Obama just passed thru executive order, freedom of religion infringments, Onstar being used to track people, full body scanners being a trojan horse for their deployment at train stations grocery stores ect, REX-84 continuation, Ron Paul liberatrians (R-Texas) and Michele Bachmann staunch Conservatives (R-Minn) bond will only grow deeper. Neither of these groups nor any other factions of the Tea Party alliance are in danger of voting for NWO democrats led by Nancy Pelosi.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: I see the "conspiracy nut" faction still has a voice as well. Perhaps you too should send a letter to Boehner and McConnell.
ReplyDeleteOkay Mr. Global warming! Carbon taxes are to save the planet, not to line the pockets of the global elite.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous #2: Uh, yes, that's true about carbon taxes. Your comment relates to the current discussion how, exactly?
ReplyDeleteI guess you're so taken with the false science of man made global warming that it does'nt register as a conspiry to you. Just know that you are being had, and every measure you take to reduce your "carbon footprint", you are playing into the hand of the elites that want 95% of the world population to live in a small apartment in a planned development, drive a death-trap tiny vehicle that cannot venture beyond paved roads, eat smaller portions of food, no soda, no smoking, no KFC, no self defense weapons, checkpoints everywhere you travel, pay to fish and hunt for your own food, banning of organic or un-modified seeds for general consumption. I hope that one day mr Woodard, you will stop being so trusting of your government, and that you might open your mind to what IS going on around you....before they have us in check-mate.
@Anonymous: I see. You think climate change is a plot by the global elite to take away your freedom. Funny, then, that no real action is taken on addressing climate change (better yet taking away your KFC). This global elite of yours really needs to get its act together.
ReplyDeleteI prefer the taste of KFC cooked in lard not soybean oil thank you very much. And what are you talking about regarding global warming, google "smart meter" "smart thermostat" "vehicle governor". The only reason these global warming extremist have'nt gotten their way is due to freedom lovers like myself protesting and boycotting products made by companies that go along with these moonbats "GM" "Heinz" ect. Colin, I guess in your case ignorance is truly bliss.
ReplyDeleteI sleep better at night knowing you're protecting the rest of us from smart thermostats and other frightening products. Thank you, masked person, whoever you are.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - God bless you, buddy. If ignorance is bliss, you must be in heaven 24/7. Perhaps you should write to Science or Nature and tell the entire scientific community how they got it all wrong? Oh, sorry, they might not accept letters from people who are afraid to use their names.
ReplyDeleteColin - keep up the good work.
I second Susan in saying keep up the good work, Colin.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where this anonymous commenter came from? His/her (I can't help but assume it's a guy for some reason?) comments sound like something from the Press Herald comments section. It would make more sense to keep your comments related to the original post, and none of your posts seem to support your feeling that the Tea Party is an alliance 'as strong as they come.'